OK Located Multidisciplinary mobile platform based on Bluetooth Technology, compatible anywhere in the world, offering global and innovative solutions through small intelligent devices called Beacons that interact with citizens and tourists; it is a very useful, versatile and economical tool.
This is the innovative response to the digitalisation of cities and towns from a public-private collaboration model integrating the different agents that coexist from the Smart City, Smart Destination perspective: citizens, businesses, companies and Municipal Departments.
We implement different technological solutions to cities that interact with citizens and tourists who visit them, such as Interactive Tourism Information (in monuments and places of tourist interest), Citizen Information Points (provides information on events held in the city, both social and cultural), Interactive Proximity Marketing in establishments (powerful marketing tool 24 hours a day promoting trade, local products and services) and Gamification (interactive games for the city, fulfilling routes or milestones to achieve a goal, contests for dissemination in RRSS, etc.).
Aimed at promoting technological innovation in towns so that the entire tourist and commercial offer is accessible and immediate, improving interactive communication with citizens.
A GLOBAL Technological Solution, economical, accessible and quickly implemented in towns in both rural and urban areas. We solve the lack of digitalisation immediately.
The existence of multiple APPs in each destination generates uncertainty to the tourist user which one to choose, also the need to change when they change destination.
With OK Located they have a Global Platform with different solutions to their daily needs, compatible anywhere in the world without having to change app, with a wide range of usability.
Most of the APPs actively position the user with GPS, consequently, in a few hours they run out of battery in their Smartphone limiting the continuation of their tourist day. In addition, the lack of GPS coverage indoors or in narrow streets creates a problem as the APPs do not work in these places.
It is worth noting the competitive advantage of OK Located with Bluetooth technology that offers 100% coverage both indoors and outdoors and the battery consumption is minimal.
The implementation of Bluetooth technology offers a low cost and high performance in its application with great visibility for citizens and tourists.
Being very accessible its implementation in any city, town or company.
OK Located, through Public-Private collaboration agreements, subsidises a large part of the cost of implementation in the towns.
We easily turn towns and cities into Smart Destinations. Practical and quality tourism with the application of technology, through geolocalised smart devices, providing tourist and multilingual information, providing historical data, opening/closing times and the possibility of buying tickets, etc.
From OK Located we make it totally easy with the COVID-19, we do not need an audio guide in the museum, you have it on your Smartphone, it is not necessary to queue to get close to a QR/NFC code or touch touch screens (Totems) to receive the relevant information of a monument; just by walking around the vicinity of the places of tourist or commercial interest the information reaches your device, it is not necessary to use and even less to touch paper maps, advertising brochures, etc.; everything will be on your Smartphone.
The informative and entertaining character can be used as a tool for the dissemination of culture in a fun way; so let’s get on the technology train to be at the forefront and improve the experiences of tourists who visit us and share in the RRSS giving virility to the destination.
The tool provides solutions based on Bluetooth technology that can be implemented in Smart City, Smart Destination, Edusi Funds, Agenda 2030, Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs, etc.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity, poverty eradication and sustainable development.
OK Located favours digitising populations and companies through a rapid global implementation, in a simple and economical way, so that populations meet the different SDGs set out in the 2030 Agenda:
Goal 8: 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.9, 8.a.Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all.
This Platform is for practical action with digital solutions aimed at promoting sustainable tourism that promotes culture and history in a close and digital way, as well as the consumption of local products and proximity trade. The promotion of solutions that stimulate entrepreneurship and support inclusive and sustainable business practices. Economic productivity with technological modernisation.
Objective 9: 9.1, 9.4, 9.5. Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation.
We provide technological and innovative solutions with sustainable regional, national and cross-border infrastructures, for economic and social development, with particular emphasis on affordable and equitable access for all with technological progress in cities and towns, facilitating retail trade and enabling the efficient use of resources. Information and communication technologies have been at the forefront of the response to COVID-19, the crisis has accelerated the digitisation of tourism, business and services.
Objective 10: 10.2, 10.3, 10.a.Reduce inequality within and between countries.
The gap of inequality of opportunities and poverty between cities and predominantly rural areas is reduced with the OK Located Global platform compatible anywhere in the world, offering access to the use of the same technology with application to common solutions, giving the same opportunities for usability of services to all users in any country.
Goal 11: 11.4, 11.a Make cities more inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
Redouble efforts to protect, safeguard and raise awareness of the world’s cultural and natural heritage is necessary, from OK Located we pursue the objective, the enhancement of cultural and historical heritage through technology, the platform offers tourist information, cultural, historical, social, events representative of the place.
Support positive economic, social and environmental linkages between urban, peri-urban and rural areas by strengthening national and regional development planning and the creation of new tourism products and services
Objective 12: 12.a, 12.b. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
From the Platform, through the use and application of Bluetooth technology, we implement Tourism, Citizen, Leisure or Shopping Information via Smartphone with lower implementation costs and without consuming, for example, electricity in information screens or totems, or advertising in brochures, posters, plans that become obsolete, costly and anticovid, we save resources by sending the information digitally to the users’ Smartphone and contributing to not polluting. Supporting the change towards more sustainable digital consumption patterns.
We are committed to respecting the socio-cultural authenticity of local communities and we value it, we contribute to intercultural understanding, we promote visits to archaeological monuments and places of historical interest. We integrate local communities with sustainable tourism activities, for tourists it is an enriching experience. We reactivate urban and rural areas with a lack of visitors, consumption, business, generate local economy and poverty reduction in the rural environment, promoting the consumption of indigenous and natural products of the area.
Objective 17: Revitalise the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development
Since the creation of OK Located, the main feeling and the final objective is the globality of action, of presence and of carrying out joint actions for the benefit of the citizen, user or visitor in the different cities and towns. We provide technological resources that we subsidise for this action by facilitating alliances.
In order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, it is essential to create alliances between all the different actors that coexist in the cities from a public-private collaboration model that integrates the different agents that coexist in an area of the city from the Smart City perspective: citizens, companies, businesses and Municipal Departments, Organisations.
OK Located is the innovative response to the digitalisation of cities from a Global Interactive Platform anywhere in the world that is implemented.
OK Located takes up the challenges to: Reactivate, Renew, Reinvent TOURISM, Local Economy and PostCOVID challenges.
Innovative response to the digitalisation of cities from a Public-Private collaboration model, integrating the different agents that coexist from the Smart Destination/ City perspective: citizens, businesses, companies and City Councils.